Help us fight senior hunger and isolation in our community
The Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County serves 19,695 meals every month across the 1,800 square miles of Spokane County, through both home deliveries and Silver Cafes. This means our kitchen prepares over 900 meals daily for seniors over 60 who are unable to access nutritious food due to various reasons.
Our Vision
The goal of Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County is for no senior to go hungry and to remain living independently in their own home. This will be done by providing high-quality nutritious meals either by home delivery or at one of our Silver Café community meal sites, through collaborating with other community agencies, advocating for seniors, and educating the public about senior hunger and isolation.
silver cafes
Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County operates 13 Silver Cafes across Spokane County. These cafes offer seniors over the age of 60 the opportunity to enjoy a warm meal, great conversation, and life-giving socialization.
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